Can I migrate my Plug-In to a new Computer?
Short answer: No! You will need a fresh installation and a new license.
Why not? The contents of your Cubic Audio/ Ascension configuration folder* will need to be refreshed - copying them straight to your new device will almost certainly cause Ascension to crash your PC's DAW or fail AU Val on Mac OS.
You can freely copy your Ascension 1.5 or above Data Library to your new computer with no issues, however we recommend a fresh copy.
If you are using Ascension 1.0.1 please see this article. Note that version 1.0.1 has been discontinued and is no longer officially supported, however you can still use the plug-in if you have a 32-Bit system or DAW.
For Ascension 1.5 and above please continue to this page and learn how to re-install your synth.
*What's this?
You can find your Ascension Configuration folder here:
(PC location) 'Documents > CubicAudio > Ascension'
(Mac location) 'Mac HD > Library > Application Support > CubicAudio > Ascension'
Find out more about your Ascension Configuration folder on this helpful page.
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